Business management

How to create a partnership

How to create a partnership

Video: 5 Ways to Create Strategic Partnerships 2024, July

Video: 5 Ways to Create Strategic Partnerships 2024, July

Nonprofit partnership is a type of nonprofit organization whose activities are not aimed at making profit and are based on membership. Partnership founders can be both legal entities and individuals. A non-profit partnership may be engaged in entrepreneurial activity, but only on condition that the proceeds from it will be used for the purposes specified in the charter.


Instruction manual


In order to arrange a non-profit partnership, you, together with the founders, must decide on its creation. The number of founders of a nonprofit partnership is not limited by law, but there must be at least two of them. You must make the decision to create a partnership at the meeting of the founders. There, consider the issue of developing a charter and concluding a memorandum of association. The conclusion of the contract is not a mandatory procedure. It can be made only at the request of the founders.


Remember that the charter of a non-profit partnership should contain information on the procedure for managing the partnership, the composition and competence of the governing bodies, the procedure for distributing property remaining after the liquidation of the organization. In addition, the charter should contain information about branches and representative offices of a non-profit partnership, the procedure for the formation of property, the conditions and procedure for joining the organization, etc.


In order to register a partnership, contact the registration authority with the appropriate statement and attach the following documents to it: - the founders' decision to create a non-commercial partnership; - the charter of the non-commercial partnership; - the memorandum of association, if a decision was made on its preparation; - the minutes of the meeting of the founders with the decision on the establishment of a legal entity. It should approve the charter of a legal entity and issues related to the election of governing bodies.


Upon entering into a partnership, participants must transfer in their favor the property necessary for the implementation of the statutory goals. The property may also be formed at the expense of membership fees, the procedure for making which is determined in the charter. As a rule, membership fees are paid in cash. But at the same time, keep in mind that the property transferred to the partnership at the establishment is returned when the participant leaves, and the property transferred in the form of membership dues is not refundable.
