
How to make out of the garage shop

How to make out of the garage shop

Video: 5 Garage Shop Cabinets for Ultimate DIY Storage 2024, July

Video: 5 Garage Shop Cabinets for Ultimate DIY Storage 2024, July

Renewal of a garage for a store consists in obtaining permission for reconstruction, conducting direct reconstruction, renewing documents, obtaining permits for trade and certificates of individual entrepreneurs. The whole procedure takes a lot of time and takes a significant amount of money.


You will need

  • - permission for reconstruction;

  • - IP documents;

  • - permission to trade;

  • - permission to open a store.

Instruction manual


To begin renewal, obtain permission for reconstruction. To do this, call the architect, who will draw up the project and the sketch of the reconstruction and engineering communications.


Contact the district architecture, write a request for reconstruction. You will be issued a coordination act, which you must reserve in the district administration, in fire protection, in district communal systems and from energy suppliers that you intend to connect to the store.


To register as an individual entrepreneur, contact the district tax office. Write a statement, present your passport.


Complete your business plan. If you yourself are not familiar with the preparation of business documents, contact a law firm or a business center to support small businesses in your region.


Get permission from the district administration for the right to trade. To do this, you will need to apply there with a statement, passport and a prepared business plan.


Conduct a direct reconstruction of the garage under the store. All construction must be carried out in accordance with the draft. If you open a store where you will sell food products, the outlet must comply with all the requirements of the SES. You have to bring in central water, a central sewer. In rural areas, it is not forbidden to equip cesspools, which should be located 15 meters from the outlet.


The store must be fenced off from the living area with a high fence. Leave a parking space near the point of sale.


In conclusion, invite the SES, the fire department, a commission from the administration. Get final permissions to open a store.


Legitize the reconstruction and contact the FHRC to amend the unified registry.


You can re-register as a store only a major garage located on your own land plot. It is impossible to arrange a cooperative garage for a point of sale.
