
How to name a new company

How to name a new company

Video: How to create a great brand name | Jonathan Bell 2024, July

Video: How to create a great brand name | Jonathan Bell 2024, July

When deciding on a startup, an entrepreneur should be ready to solve a variety of issues, starting with the preparation of a business plan and determining the source of necessary resources to registering and clarifying the form of ownership. There are some important issues in this list that at first glance are not particularly difficult. For example, choosing a name for a new company. In fact, this is not an easy task and requires careful study.


Instruction manual


To get started, take a piece of paper and write the basic information that can directly affect the choice of the name of your company. First of all, this is the type of activity of the company, since the name of the company should ideally cause direct associations with this. For example, a company selling technical equipment requires one name, and baking confectionery products another. It is good if definitions or abbreviations consonant with the type of activity are used here. And for a wide-profile company, on the contrary, it is best to choose a name without a specific binding. Consider the features of your market. To go abroad you will need the English version.


Write on the next sheet all the variants of words, phrases or word formations that seem most suitable to you. Just write down on paper everything that comes to mind about this. Remember that the name should be as short and easy to remember as possible. Select some of the best options and move on to the next question.


Here you will need to take into account that most of the simple associative names are already used by companies that appeared on the market before you. The law does not prohibit now calling a company similar to someone else’s name, unless it is protected by special conditions. In some cases, borrowing someone else’s name may even be useful, but the owner firm will definitely not like it. Therefore, it is best to come up with a new, own, original. You can check existing ones via the Internet.


Type one of your name options in the search box and make sure there is no similar company on the market. Next, check for a free domain matching your name. To do this, use the special service, which is also easy to find through any search engine. Of course, if you are planning to create a site with a consonant domain.


You should know that there are companies that specialize in naming. Besides them, many advertising agencies offer such a service. Therefore, if you are unable to find a suitable option on your own, just contact one of these offices, where professional creators will offer you several options suitable for your company names.


Before contacting such an agency, ask them for a technical task form, in which you can list all the wishes and indicate the information necessary to specify the task. Do not forget to indicate the deadline for your order. Creative people often sin delayed terms. And for you this can be important, because the deadlines for registering your company will also be postponed, which may be related to the need to present the finished name.
