
How to name a youth clothing store

How to name a youth clothing store

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The hallmark of a youth clothing store is its name. As the saying goes, "whatever you call the ship, it will float." The problem of choosing the right name can put even a person with great imagination in a quandary. How to cope with this task with dignity?


Instruction manual


The name of the store should reflect the various sides of the outlet, including the price factor. Shoppers can be divided into three categories:

a) try to purchase a thing at the lowest price;

b) if the thing is good, then we are ready to give a large sum of money for it;

c) buy only expensive things.

Most youth clothing stores are targeted at category “B” shoppers. Based on this, the name should not be pathos, but at the same time difficult and playful. For example, “Drive” is fashionable, fun, playful.


Also, the name of the store should correspond to the age factor. Young people are people between the ages of 18 and 30, so a store specializing in the sale of youth clothing should be pleased with the name of this age category. So, you should abandon the names that add solidity: "Don", "Frau", etc. It is better to choose a name that corresponds to the youth spirit, often used among young people. For example, Respect, Forever, Young, etc.


The name of the youth store should also reflect the social factor. A store where you can buy clothes for going to a party, gatherings in a cafe or visiting a club can be called "Disco" or "Vinyl". If the assortment of the store is mostly aimed at young people who consider themselves to be subcultures, then the name should emphasize this. The main difference between subcultures is non-standard, this is the main criterion for the store. In this case, the names fit: Original, Special, Individual. If the store is aimed at a separate subculture, then use the names: Bro, Rasta, RockBand, Emotion.


Convenience of pronunciation also plays an important role. Choosing the name of the store, make sure that when declining, it sounds harmonious. The name of the store should sound good when answering the question: "Where did you buy this thing?".


If nothing happens with the selection of the name, then an Internet name generator can come to the rescue. It is enough to enter the desired number of letters, language, alternation of vowels and consonants in the appropriate fields and click on the "Generate" button.

Internet name generator
