
How to learn to sell by phone

How to learn to sell by phone

Video: How to Master Selling on the Phone 2024, July

Video: How to Master Selling on the Phone 2024, July

Most modern people can no longer imagine life without a phone. First of all, this applies to those who are engaged in the trading business, because telephone sales are one of the main ways to attract and retain a client, they allow you to get to know him and get his opinion. However, making phone sales is not as easy as it might seem at first. In order for telephone sales to bring maximum benefit and effect, several rules must be followed.


Instruction manual


Before starting a conversation, determine the purpose of the conversation and draw up a preliminary plan. Thoroughly study the proposed product in order to be ready to answer questions or objections that may arise with the interlocutor. Prepare answers to likely questions in advance. Be careful not to boil or get excited when answering, avoid the phrases “Well, you don’t understand!”, “You are completely wrong!”, “It’s impossible to talk calmly with you”, etc.


In order to tune the conversation in confidence, keep a smile in your voice and be extremely polite. Your positive communication will also be transmitted to the client.


Avoid common phrases that cause psychological stress ("You are being disturbed from the company …", "We decided to call you because …"). Better immediately after the greeting, call yourself and the company you represent.


Find out if the client can now take the time for you, or it will be more convenient for him to call you back. Such a delicacy will surely please your interlocutor.


Call the person "on the other end of the wire" by name. The more often you do this, the sooner he will begin to trust you. This is the psychology of man.


Show the interlocutor that you are ready to listen to him. Approximately 80% of the talk time is left to the client. Do not interrupt him, let him speak out. If he is aggressive, try to calm him with a soft voice. If it doesn’t work, apologize and say that you will call back later.


Ask the interlocutor the questions necessary to keep you in control of the conversation, do not be afraid to be persistent.


Despite the fact that the client reacted to the conversation, be sure to end the conversation with a positive attitude.


Record the result of the conversation, this will help you do the “work on mistakes” and improve the quality and effectiveness of the next conversation.


Do not follow the pattern. Try different ways to start a conversation, offer a service or product, etc. Experiment with everything that you think will make sales more effective.

Useful advice

If your colleague’s phone sales are progressing well, do not hesitate to adopt his methods or “chips”.

Learn psychology. This will certainly help you in mastering the art of talking on the phone.
