
How to write an accounting policy

How to write an accounting policy

Video: Accounting Policies & Procedures Manuals for Intacct 2024, July

Video: Accounting Policies & Procedures Manuals for Intacct 2024, July

Each organization that conducts accounting, regardless of the legal form and form of ownership, is obliged to develop and adopt an accounting policy for accounting and taxation purposes. The accounting policy adopted by the organization is mandatory for application by all its units.


You will need

Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law "On Accounting", Accounting Regulation "Accounting Policy of the Organization" PBU 1/2008

Instruction manual


If during the previous period you applied a certain accounting policy, leave it unchanged, automatically transferring it to the next period. However, during this time, some changes in tax legislation and accounting regulations could occur, therefore it is possible that the accounting policy will need to be adjusted.


Draw up the accounting policies of the organization for accounting purposes, guided by the requirements of the Federal Law "On Accounting", Accounting Regulation PBU 1/2008. The law and regulations do not provide for a unified methodology for drawing up accounting policies; an organization has the right to develop its provisions independently.


Develop and draw up accounting policies for tax purposes. The grounds for compiling an accounting policy for these purposes are set forth in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Draw up accounting policies based on assumptions and assumptions about the future activities of the organization.


Formulate an accounting policy by order or order for the organization signed by the head. The legislation does not provide for the form of such an order; you can develop it yourself.


As an appendix to accounting policies, develop a work plan of accounts for the organization. If the organization is small, include the accounting policy in the text of the order or instructions.
