
How to find labor productivity

How to find labor productivity

Video: Calculating Labor Productivity 2024, July

Video: Calculating Labor Productivity 2024, July

The main criterion by which to judge a competent personnel and economic policy at the enterprise is the growth of labor productivity of workers. The growth of labor productivity is to reduce the labor costs of workers in the production of a unit of output.


Instruction manual


The following factors influence the growth of labor productivity: - innovative technologies introduced in production, namely automation and computerization of the work process;

- change in the structure of production;

- the right personnel policy in terms of increasing the motivation of workers.


In order to find an increase or decrease in labor productivity in the enterprise, it is necessary to first determine the full volume of output for the estimated period of time. These data should be requested from the economic planning department of the enterprise.


Decide on the number of workers employed in the production of a particular type of product. To do this, request information about the average number of employees in the personnel department.


Next, find labor productivity. To do this, divide the volume of products produced over the estimated period of time by the average number of employees employed in the production of these products. Based on the result, you can make entries about the results of the enterprise.


Find labor productivity using several methods. The first method is natural. It applies if the organization is engaged only in the production of products or services without their subsequent sale. The second method is the labor method, and it is used mainly in the non-productive sphere. And the third method is the cost, measured in rubles. This method is the most universal and applicable to various fields of work.


The calculation of labor productivity shows the final results of the economic activity of the enterprise. The growth of labor productivity, of course, leads to an increase in profit from the organization. Reducing the growth of labor productivity in the end result can play an important role in reducing the volume of output, which in turn will entail a significant decline in production and income.

Labor productivity as an indicator of the efficiency of use of labor resources
