
How to find working capital

How to find working capital

Video: Working Capital Formula | How to Calculate Working Capital (with Example) 2024, July

Video: Working Capital Formula | How to Calculate Working Capital (with Example) 2024, July

Own business is an opportunity to become independent and independent, receive unlimited profits, and not a fixed salary, dictate your own rules and do what you really like. But before you start your own business, you must find the means.


Instruction manual


A business cannot be built without working capital (only low-budget projects are an exception). These initial funds will be needed for registering a company, purchasing goods, renting premises, advertising, paying for services to employees, etc. To calculate the amount of working capital, you need to find out the approximate amount of expense items before the company will make a profit. Such information probably already exists in the business plan that you drafted before choosing a direction for your business.


So, you know how much money you need, it remains only to understand where to get this amount. Option one, the most common: you can get a loan. Since in Russia there are a huge number of banks, and most of them exist due to loans, choose a borrower who will offer you the minimum rate. In order not to miscalculate, you will have to spend a lot of time in the search, studying the commercial offers of private and state banks. But the result, as a rule, justifies the time spent.


If for some reason the bank representatives refuse to issue a loan to you, you can contact usurers. They will find any amount, but the interest at which you receive this money will be significantly higher than bank overpayment.


If you do not want to borrow money, you can use the available resources to achieve your goal. If you have some kind of property registered (apartment, cottage, car, etc.), sell it, and working capital will be found in this way. A big plus at the same time is that starting your business, you will not "get into" debt and you will not have to share profit with anyone.


If you are officially considered unemployed, the state can offer you working capital for your own business. To receive such assistance, you will need to register at the labor exchange, write a business plan and defend it in front of the inspectors of the government agency. If your idea seems rational to them, you will get working capital. True, you will need to remember that this help is not free. After a certain period, you will need to repay the debt to the state.
