
How can I make money on my land

How can I make money on my land

Video: 16 Ways of How To Make Money off Vacant Land and Country Land. GO FROM COSTING TO INCOME PRODUCING!! 2024, July

Video: 16 Ways of How To Make Money off Vacant Land and Country Land. GO FROM COSTING TO INCOME PRODUCING!! 2024, July

You have a plot of land, and you do not know what to do with it. Depending on the features of the soil and location, you can get good profit on it. The main thing is not to be lazy.


Instruction manual


On fertile soil, you can do agriculture. Grow vegetables, herbs, berries, plant fruit trees. When the crop ripens, sell it on the market or arrange with shops and supermarkets ready to take your products for sale. Put greenhouses - with their help you can make a profit all year round.


If the crop is too much and you are afraid that it will deteriorate, open a processing workshop. Make jams, compotes, canned vegetables. So the shelf life of your products will increase.


There is no desire to cultivate beds? Then build a farm. Raise birds or animals. In addition, they can receive double, or even triple benefit. For example, in addition to meat, cows give milk and skin, birds give eggs and feathers.


You can also open a racetrack on earth. Set up stables, bring horses or rent stalls. Open a riding school or horse polo club. With the help of horses, you can provide services for romantic dates or wedding processions, horseback riding.


Is there a lake, forest or mountains near a piece of land? Open a recreation center. Build one or more comfortable cottages where tourists could relax. Organize thematic excursions, walks or picnics in nature.


To be original and stand out from the huge mass of other guest houses, take up ethno-tourism. Build a mini-village, create an atmosphere of the national culture of the local people - clothes, food, interior, dialect features.


Open small workshops where, with the help of a specialist, tourists can make small items with their own hands or prepare a dish of national cuisine. Organize good advertising for your ethnic village, and there will be no end to tourists.


If none of the items fit you - rent the land. So you will make a profit without any effort.
