
Franchise - an opportunity to open a business under the auspices of a famous brand

Franchise - an opportunity to open a business under the auspices of a famous brand

Video: Success Factory Business Opportunity 2024, July

Video: Success Factory Business Opportunity 2024, July

Franchising has firmly entered our lives. This is a unique opportunity to open your own business under the auspices of an already famous brand. What is franchising, and what features does it have?


Franchising is the transfer of rights to use its business process system to a third party who has decided to open a franchise business. Simply put, when buying a franchise, an entrepreneur becomes completely independent in terms of owning a company, receives a ready-made and honed business system, but at the same time he must agree and accept all the conditions and existing processes of the company from which he buys a franchise. When buying a franchise, the business system is already established and includes:

- the right to use the trademark;

- marketing system;

- obligation, or recommendations for the use of certain trading equipment;

- channel for the acquisition of goods;

- recommendations on the style of office design, staff ethics;

- personnel training system;

- product distribution system.

An entrepreneur who decides to buy a franchise can no longer think about the idea of ​​a business. He just needs to choose a direction, a company and acquire a franchise from her. An entrepreneur does not need to think about developing a business plan, calculating profitability, all this will tell the franchisor. The franchisor will give basic recommendations and an approximate scheme of work that will generate income. The only thing that is required from the entrepreneur at the very first stage is the financial investments that are needed to purchase a franchise.

When buying a franchise, an entrepreneur buys a ready-made business, customer loyalty to the selected brand. He can only properly coordinate all the work. After all, buying a business is only half the way, it is important to keep the company afloat and monitor the quality of service.
