Business management

What is a stakeholder, types of stakeholders

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What is a stakeholder, types of stakeholders

Video: What is a stakeholder? | 4 types of stakeholders I Project management training 2024, July

Video: What is a stakeholder? | 4 types of stakeholders I Project management training 2024, July

Stakeholders - organizations, groups of individuals that influence the operation of a separate business process. They are divided into internal and external. They include all participants that influence the development of the enterprise and the project.


A few years ago, the success of the enterprise was evaluated by the amount of income received, turnover. Today, the position depends on the ratings given by experts, consumers, authorities, and the media. Interaction with these groups is a priority. Therefore, there was a need for the emergence of a new term “stakeholder”.

Who are the stakeholders?

English translation of stakeholder - interested, involved. Its participants provide the capabilities of the system, are a source of requirements.

The simplest concept was given by the director of the college in Boston, Bradley Gugins. He emphasized that the term refers to an organization, person or group, which is influenced by a certain business structure. This is an entity interested in the good work of the company, having rights, a share in it. The company's activities also affect the life and functioning of all participants in the process.

The main stakeholders are represented by the authorities of the subject of the country. From its work depends on the dynamics of the enterprise. Successful organizations consider relationships not only within the company, but also beyond. Opinions and needs are taken into account:

  • consumers;

  • shareholders;

  • employees;

  • representatives of authority.

Internal stakeholders - heads of departments, subordinates, owners, shareholders, investors. Often the interests of these individuals are different. To get out of controversial situations, a special management system is introduced, aimed at developing incentive and motivational directions. Thanks to this, the goals of the work of different people become common.

Often, the term refers to influence groups whose work is taken into account in the implementation of the main activity. The interests of the parties may conflict with each other. Within the framework of this theory, stakeholders are a contradictory whole that determines the development path of the company.

Basic principles of work

When working with stakeholders, several stages of work are distinguished. First, parties are identified who are interested in the work of the company. This leads to the need to identify participants' expectations and assess the compliance of the mission, goals and objectives of the company with the interests of all parties. This allows you to increase the level of satisfaction and their involvement.

After defining the requirements, a list of responsibilities is provided. It depends on the characteristics of the participants in the system. Often, government agencies require minimum participation in the work of the company, for suppliers - the fulfillment of tasks on time and so on.

At the last stage, the results are evaluated. Satisfaction with the achieved goals is revealed, the opinion about the company is determined. Thanks to such work, it is possible to adjust the work of the entire enterprise, bringing the level to a higher one. Stakeholders create a system that supports the work of the enterprise both during the recovery period and in difficult situations.

Identifying stakeholders is easy. To do this, you should study data taken from different sources:

  1. Opening official documents, an example is the staffing table. Parties interested in the work of the company are determined based on the adopted organizational structure.

  2. Personal observation and hearing. The surname that was casually mentioned at the meeting or planning meeting can also be taken into account.

  3. Survey of persons. It is carried out in an unobtrusive manner.

As a result of such activities, a list of individuals and organizations can be made. Often the list is compiled as a result of the team, as individuals may not be aware of all parties involved. Especially at the beginning of the company.


Each project has many stakeholders, divided into two large groups:

  • External They are located outside the organization. An example is buyers, intermediaries, investors, suppliers.

  • Internal These are workers, managers. Their activities are directly related to the work of the company.

There are a large number of types of stakeholders. Each has its own types of management and study. Each category has its own goals.

Owner. For him, the main thing is the material income of the company, business development and self-realization.

  • The supplier. The first place in importance is the level of sales and good reviews. Among the goals that the supplier wants to achieve is regular payment of orders.

  • Customers and buyers. Their priority goal is to get a quality product at an affordable cost. Recently, an individual approach has also become relevant. If the company can offer it, the consumer feels his importance, grows into a regular customer.

  • Staff. For them, the conditions in which the fulfillment of professional duties come to the forefront. With recognition and decent pay, you can observe the full return.

  • Hosting companies. They need users of services who make timely payments.

  • State. With this type of stakeholder, you need to create the most correct relationship. This is possible thanks to timely taxes paid, maintaining general discipline.

Stakeholders include investors. They provide financial flows for the development of projects. Their main task is to profit from the sale of the final product. When the investor and the customer are not one person, the bank, mutual fund, investment fund often acts as an investor. Such entities act as full partners of the project.

Head - an individual who is given the authority to manage all work. They are usually registered in the contract. Often the leader is required to coordinate activities throughout the life cycle of the company or project. The leader leads the team, which is an integral part of the enterprise. Its composition and functions depend on complexity, the main direction of work, their characteristics.

Other types of stakeholders

Other parties can influence the operation of one element. These are competing firms, community groups and people, sponsors, consulting, legal and other types of organizations that are indirectly involved in the process.

In addition to groups, individuals, organizations, the number of stakeholders can include “silent” types. One of them is future generations. They do not yet exist, but their interests are taken into account so that in the future they do not have to face additional difficulties.

Varieties are considered past generations and the environment. The former are physically absent in the life of the organization, but their interests are in the culture that they have left. Any activity should be such that it does not harm material or spiritual values ​​that have come from the past. The environment plays an important role, since the work of a single enterprise should not harm living and inanimate nature.
