
What is the target audience?

What is the target audience?

Video: Defining the Audience | media studies | Quick Intro 2024, July

Video: Defining the Audience | media studies | Quick Intro 2024, July

Before starting his own business, a future businessman is recommended to conduct a marketing research to study the opinions of the target audience. But what is this audience like, who are these people - should be clarified in advance.


Target audience is one of the main marketing concepts. The target audience is a large group of people, each member of which can become a potential client of a specific group of manufactured goods (whether it is sanitary towels or televisions). Own target audience may be a certain brand. Business can also be aimed at a separate social layer - it is unlikely that a girl who can afford only a mass market will buy premium cosmetics.

In fact, the target audience is the people who will purchase your products with the highest degree of probability. These are buyers who, for whatever reason, are interested in buying your product. And this set of people can be sorted by the following signs:

- gender;

- age criterion;

- the presence of secondary / higher education;

- income level;

- place of residence;

- a list of family members;

- hobbies and hobbies.

It is advisable to conduct a study to determine the target audience. So you can find out who will need your product, and to whom it is completely uninteresting. So, if you plan to open a fast-food cafe and conduct an appropriate marketing survey, you will find out that the greatest enthusiasm for opening a new bistro will be expressed by students, schoolchildren and young people under the age of 25 years. Because they are most often interested in a quick “snack on the go.” This does not mean that thirty and fifty year olds will not go to you, just the percentage of their visits will be much lower.

Consider the results of the survey when writing a business plan - you will know the breadth of the future market, the conditions for working on it and the sales strategy. In addition, you can develop a strategy for the development and expansion of the business based on the information received about the preferences of potential customers.
