
At what price to sell your product?

At what price to sell your product?

Video: 7 Pricing Strategies - How To Price A Product 2024, July

Video: 7 Pricing Strategies - How To Price A Product 2024, July

If you are selling something or want to sell, then sooner or later you will have a question: what price can I sell it for? What affects the formation of the final value of the goods? Will there be a demand for this product at its price?


The cost of goods is the amount of money that the buyer is ready to leave for you for a particular product or service. The main thing in price formation is to understand that the price will never be stable. It is influenced by many factors. The main factor influencing the price of a product is the cost of the product itself. No one will sell the goods at their own expense.

Many sellers seek to increase their profits only by reducing the cost of manufacturing the product, or are looking for the possibility of a lower wholesale price. Remember that reducing production costs will lead to a decrease in quality, which means that subsequently you will have fewer buyers.

Also an important factor for determining the value is the offers of other sellers for the goods. If the price of the goods is higher than in another store, then practically no one will buy it. Although there is an opinion that the higher the cost of goods, the more they will buy it. The psychology of many consumers suggests that the more expensive the product, the better and better. In addition to market price formation, there is also the maximum possible price for goods established by the state. Be sure to study before selling what maximum value you can put on a product under the law.

How, with the help of the cost of goods, can you increase your profit? The first and probably the most important way is to reduce production costs. Or, in simple terms, reducing the purchase price of the goods. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Remember that the cheaper the cost of a product, the worse its quality, and this can adversely affect the number of sales of such a product.

If you have a narrow-profile store specializing only in a certain group of goods, then it makes sense to produce a better offer. At cost, it will be slightly more expensive than ordinary goods, but you can ask for a higher price for such a product, since here it will play the role of quality for the consumer. The buyer will be ready to leave you more than in another store, but in return he will count on a quality service or product.

Another important factor affecting the formation of the value of goods is the proposals of other sellers, competitors. Usually in this case, the price is calculated as the average between the minimum and maximum price of the goods in your city or area.

These are the main factors affecting the cost of goods, remember that to increase the influx of buyers it is worth arranging any sales or advantageous offers, because many customers are looking for offers that will be beneficial for them.
