
How much does it cost to rent an office

How much does it cost to rent an office

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Office - the room where the company’s representative office is located and transactions are made. To rent a building or room is much more profitable than building it yourself. Most often, small enterprises draw up a lease with individuals or with the municipality. Payment depends on it.


If you rent an office from individuals, the amount of payment for a rented building or premises will be negotiable. The owner has the right to lease empty premises and receive a certain profit for them, from which he will pay a tax of 13%. At the same time, there are no legislative restrictions on the amount.

You are looking for a suitable option, agree on a price that suits both parties, enter into an agreement, the terms of which are also negotiated by the parties and use the rented premises, observing all the conditions of the agreement.

Payment for an office space that is rented from the local municipality is completely different. To rent a municipal building, contact the district administration with a statement. Indicate the purpose of using the building, present a passport, certificate of an individual entrepreneur. All documents must be provided in originals and photocopies.

Based on the appeal and the submitted documents, you will be put on the waiting list. You will be notified in writing about the lease of municipal property.

The amount of rent for a municipal building or building is calculated by the formula: the area of ​​a building or building is multiplied by the zonal and adjustment factor applicable in a particular region and the base rate. For renting the same area of ​​the leased office in different regions, the amount of rent will be completely different.

For example, you rented a municipal building with an area of ​​200 square meters, the basic regional rate is 5, the correction factor is 4, zone 3, the calculation of the rent will look like this: 200x4x4x4 = 12, 000 rubles - the amount that you will pay for one year of rental.

The entire amount can be paid one year in advance, per quarter, half year or month. It depends on what kind of contract you have concluded with the administration. In addition to this amount, you must pay utility bills and other payments, which are also specified in the contract.

It is much more profitable to rent an office building from the state than private individuals, where the rent for one month can reach 100 or more thousand rubles. The only minus is that it is very difficult to get a government office space for rent, the queue can take several years.
