Business Communication and Ethics

How to lure visitors

How to lure visitors

Video: How Paris is working to attract back tourists - BBC Travel show 2024, June

Video: How Paris is working to attract back tourists - BBC Travel show 2024, June

The growth of business profitability is directly related to the increase in the number of consumers of certain goods or services. Actually, this is primarily for trade. How to attract visitors to your store if a competitor is nearby? A creative approach to creating advertising messages addressed to your potential buyers will help with this.


Instruction manual


Get rid of common phrases in your advertisements: "You have a wide choice" or "We have low prices." Write specifically: "We offer 20 types of sundresses and 15 models of hats by the summer" and "Price from 100 rubles."


If you really have the “biggest choice” in a product line for any position compared to competitors, emphasize this. When changing priorities for a group of goods, an advertising proposal must be changed taking into account real stocks.


Carefully refer to the address data of your trading company in advertising. Just the street name and house number are not informative. A fragment of the map is already good. It is even better to show how the reference point known to everyone closest to your store landmark: a monument, clinic, park, savings bank. A recognizable object, a passage pattern with a dotted arrow will “bring” your store closer to the customer.


Visualize your object. You can place a photo of the facade of the building where your store is located, or its entrance group in advertising. Even if your point of sale is unremarkable, there is no money for a catchy sign, think of some catchy, unusual detail: a custom-painted door, a fancy window decoration.


Ask yourself more often: why should a visitor choose your store? For one, he may simply be closer to home, another will appreciate the cheapness of the goods he needs, the third - the freshness of the product. Remind your ad in your ads all the time.


Do not lower the bar on advertising costs and spend on it about 15 percent of the profits.


Is flyer distribution effective on the streets? The response may be small: only 3 out of a hundred people will look at you, but this is the result, because these three people can become regular customers.


Of course, the best advertisement is the friendliness of sellers and their courtesy in service. "Thanks for purchase, come again!" - This phrase, if it is pronounced at the checkout with a friendly intonation, will strengthen the benevolent attitude of the buyer to your store. If this invitation will sound formally, memorized, "in automatic mode", there will be no sense from such a "gap".


Take a look at the shops of competitors. What do they have better? Perhaps this is more convenient than your display of goods (more products are in the public domain). Perhaps lighting is more thoughtful, cleanliness is regularly maintained, and the store is perceived as lighter and "breathable." Any positive experience can be safely adopted.


Your store visitor should look at the signs of all kinds of prohibitions containing denial (“Do not serve”, “Do not enter with children”, etc.) as rarely as possible. They can sometimes be safely translated into positive. A classic example from the life of a restaurant. Compare the stiff warning “No cell phones!” with a delicate reminder: "Cell phone calls can interfere with your meal."

Useful advice

Sales are always affected by seasonality. Timely adapt to the demand for certain goods. The summer season has begun - look for new items for the garden garden (example: "Plowman" shovel). Winter has come - whether to "play" on 9-10 modifications of ice cubes for children? Novelty is always attractive. Carefully update the assortment for the holidays, taking into account their theme.
