
How to fill out a signature card

How to fill out a signature card

Video: Live Credit Application! US Bank Leverage Business Visa Signature! Up to 75,000 Point Intro Bonus 2024, July

Video: Live Credit Application! US Bank Leverage Business Visa Signature! Up to 75,000 Point Intro Bonus 2024, July

To make settlements with funds that are in bank accounts, it is necessary to draw up a card with a print of the seal and signature samples of an individual entrepreneur or officials of a legal entity authorized to sign documents. The rules for issuing a bank card are clearly regulated by the relevant instructions of the Central Bank of Russia.


You will need

Bank card form, pen, print

Instruction manual


To fill out a bank card, use a black typewriter (you can use a computer printer) or an ink pen in black, blue or purple. A facsimile signature cannot be used to fill out a card.


In the "Account Holder" field, enter the full name of the legal entity (separate unit) in accordance with the certificate of state registration. If the card is filled out for an individual, indicate your surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, details of an identity document. If you are engaged in private practice (notary public, lawyer), indicate the type of activity.


In the field "Location (place of residence)" indicate the address of the permanent executive body of the legal entity or its separate division, the address of the actual place of residence of the individual (individual entrepreneur).


In the "Phone N" field, indicate in parentheses the code of the settlement, and then the phone number of the organization or individual entrepreneur.


In the "Bank" field, indicate the full name of the bank or unit of the Bank of Russia settlement network in which you open a bank account.


Do not make any entries in the Bank Mark field. Here, after assigning a number to the bank account, a note is made on the acceptance of the card by the person who is granted this right. Leave the “Other marks” field blank (it is filled in by the credit institution).


On the back of the bank card in the "Short name of the account holder" field, indicate the short name of the legal entity recorded in the registration certificate, and in its absence - the full name. The individual client puts down his last name, first name and patronymic, as well as an indication of the type of activity.


In the field "Position" indicate the positions of persons who are vested with the rights of the first or second signature. If you fill out the card as an individual, leave this field blank.


In the "Last name, first name, middle name" field, fully indicate the last name, first name, middle name of the persons vested with the rights of the first or second signature.


In the field “Signature sample”, persons who have the rights of the first or second signature are affixed opposite their surname. In the "Date of filling" field, indicate the date of filling out the bank card.


The head of the legal entity must put in his own signature in the field “Client Signature”, and in the case of issuing a card for an individual, an individual entrepreneur or a person engaged in private practice.


In the "Term of powers of persons temporarily using the right to sign" field, indicate the term of office of persons established by the administrative act of the client.


In the "Print Imprint Sample" field, put the print sample (if any). The print must be clear.


If desired, notarize the authenticity of handwritten signatures of persons with the right of first or second signature. A bank card can also be issued without notarization in the presence of an authorized bank employee.

  • Rules for processing (filling out) a card with specimen signatures and stamp imprint (bank card)
  • signature card sberbank
