
How to patent an idea

How to patent an idea

Video: How to Patent an Idea #patent #rolfclaessen 2024, July

Video: How to Patent an Idea #patent #rolfclaessen 2024, July

Have you ever thought about what to do if a successful thought occurred to you? So successful that you yourself perfectly understand how beneficial its implementation can be for you.

But, as it often happens, an idea has appeared, and now you do not have time or opportunities to implement it. At the same time, you perfectly understand that if now you do not “stake” her behind you, you can lose her forever, they can intercept her, or she will come to someone else’s head. What to do in this case? Read this article and learn how to make your idea your own.


Instruction manual


So, an insight has visited you, an idea has come. Can it be patented? Not. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not give such an opportunity - the idea is something ephemeral, not falling into any category or classification.

But you still want to “protect” your idea, claim your rights to it. This can be done if the idea has already received a “tangible”, tangible embodiment.

To begin with, you need to decide what type of ideas your idea belongs to. Consider two main types of ideas.

First: ideas related to culture and art, of aesthetic or informational nature. In this case, you can publish your literary or musical work, scientific article and copyright your intellectual product - to print on the pages of print media. Thus, the fact of publication will already prove that this idea belongs to you.

The second type: ideas related to invention, including industrial and technical. In this case, in order to protect your idea, you need to take several practical steps.

First we define what, in fact, is a patent. A patent is a document that certifies and secures your authorship and your exclusive right to own invention.

And this means that an idea needs to be transferred from a thought form to the category of a material object - an industrial design, model.


So, you are making a model or sample of your invention. Then, already for this sample, which can be touched by hands and comprehensively studied, you file a patent.

Also, as an option, you can patent the "technical essence" of your invention, it can be a sequence of steps to influence material objects, and, again, with the help of material tools (means). This kind of development, namely, an idea that has a pronounced concrete technical form, can be patented.

Remember that there is one chip that must be respected: this solution (sequence) must be truly original, and its technical solution should not be already known at the present time.


If you have doubts about whether you can independently cope with all the tasks that it puts before you the need to patent your idea, then you can turn to a professional for help.

A professional in this area is called a patent attorney. At your request, a patent attorney will conduct all business of obtaining a patent in your place.


In the Russian Federation, patents are issued only by state institutions. Before taking steps in this direction, go to the websites of Rospatent and Soyuzpatent - there is a lot of useful information, as well as the opportunity to ask a question to a specialist.

Useful advice

Remember, it will be better if you manage to keep the entire process of manufacturing a sample / model / invention secret, without the presence of extra eyes and ears.

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Is it possible to patent an idea and how to do it

LLC Soyuzpatent
