
How profitable to open an LLC

How profitable to open an LLC

Video: How to Set Up Profit First for Your LLC 2024, July

Video: How to Set Up Profit First for Your LLC 2024, July

When you start your own business, when you have decided on your field of activity and outlined the main provisions of the business plan, you may encounter a dilemma, in what legal form is it more profitable to put it on? LLC - a limited liability company, or maybe an individual entrepreneur, or rather, BPOUL - an entrepreneur without a legal entity?


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At the first stage, we will approach this issue from the legislative side. Are there any differences in the legal liability of LLC and PBUL? According to the current laws of the Russian Federation, all business entities have equal rights before them. So what is the main benefit of registering your business in the form of an LLC? Take, for example, LLC, the founder of which is one person, he is also his leader.


The most significant plus in the direction of the LLC, in comparison with PBUL, is its degree of creditor liability. If an individual entrepreneur, like any other resident of our country, according to Art. 24 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is responsible to creditors with the property owned - both business and personal. As for the LLC, when creating it, the founders contribute to the authorized capital, the minimum amount of which is 10, 000 rubles. As a result, founders are not fully accountable to creditors. In case of bankruptcy of an enterprise, in accordance with Art. 87 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, with a shortage of property and funds to pay off debt obligations, the founders must pay only these ten thousand.


Freedom of choice at the place of state registration is one of the advantages of OOO. If an individual entrepreneur is registered exclusively at the place of registration of its owner, then the LLC may be registered at the location of its offices or directly in production. Thus, an LLC may have registered branches in other cities.


Another plus in the existence of LLC can be noted prestige issues. You must admit that LLC Pavlov and K is much better heard, and not Pavlov A.B. And if you plan to create a businessable, recognizable image of your company in the future, you should also think about it.


And now about the numbers. The amount that you need to spend today on registering an IP is 800 rubles, and when creating an LLC it will cost 4, 000. How big this difference is for everyone to decide, but if you are a true entrepreneur, you understand that it’s important for you to invest accordingly, taking into account possible risks and prospects.


Speaking about the pros, one cannot but say about the existing cons. First of all, it concerns taxation issues. If the reporting of IP is reduced to the preparation and submission of tax returns, then the LLC must also maintain accounting records and submit reports to the statistical authorities. Now let’s talk about taxes: in LLC, in addition to the traditional personal income tax, VAT, UST, contributions to the Pension Fund, taxes on property, property and insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund are also added to the taxes applicable to the general public.

The way out of this situation may be a simplified taxation system, which will enable the LLC not to keep accounting, not to hand over statistical reports and significantly reduce its reporting volume to the tax authorities.

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