
How to become a partner of Yandex taxi

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How to become a partner of Yandex taxi

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Video: Getting started with Yandex.Metrica. Step 1: creating a tag 2024, July

Cooperation with Yandex-taxi for drivers engaged in transporting people by private transport, of course, can be quite profitable. After all, this convenient Internet service is very popular among the population, and therefore Yandex taxi drivers have the opportunity to make money very well.


Becoming a Yandex Taxi partner is not particularly difficult. But provides access to its software through which customers can order transportation, this service, of course, not to all drivers.

General requirements for the driver

Any person who has passed the medical board and has the rights of the corresponding category can work in the Yandex-taxi service. The only thing in this service is the age limit for drivers.

If a citizen who wants to earn money as a taxi driver is not yet 23 years old, he will not succeed in becoming a Yandex Taxi partner. The driving experience of the applicant should be at least 5 years.

Machine requirements

You can work at Yandex Taxi, according to the rules of the service, exclusively on a foreign car. At the same time, the car should also be quite new. Carriage by car older than 5 years is not allowed in this service.

Of course, the applicant’s car for connecting to Yandex-taxi must be fully operational. That is, the driver will need to provide a document confirming the timely passage of a technical inspection.

Depending on the brand of the car, Yandex Taxi in the future assigns it one of the classes, on which the partner’s earnings will subsequently depend:

  • economy;

  • business;

  • comfort;

  • minivan.

For example, the economy class in this service includes cars worth up to 450 thousand rubles. In the future, the car, of course, will have to be equipped with all the necessary attributes - “checkers”, a taximeter, and a walkie-talkie.

In which cities can I become a partner

The Yandex Taxi service began to operate in Russia relatively recently. And so, unfortunately, it is still not possible to become its partner in all cities of Russia. Currently, only residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and some regional centers of the country can cooperate with this system.

For example, the Yandex Taxi service operates in such large cities as Ufa, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov, Samara, Sochi, Krasnoyarsk.

How to work?

Only a legal entity can become a Yandex Taxi partner. That is, a driver who wants to become a taxi driver of this service must either register an individual business, or simply become an employee of an existing Yandex Taxi partner company.

IP in our country today is relatively easy to issue. The convenience of a full-fledged partnership with Yandex Taxi is primarily considered the ability to fully control their income. But the driver will have to, of course, open a bank account and deal with tax authorities.

Therefore, if you want to become a partner of Yandex-Taxi, it is only drivers who decide to start transporting people seriously and permanently to get an IP. For newcomers who simply want to try their hand at this type of activity, it will be much more convenient to first work for a company that already cooperates with Yandex.

The advantage in this case will be primarily that the driver does not have to spend money on various kinds of bureaucratic procedures. The disadvantage of such cooperation is mainly the risk of being left without income. After all, in this case, a third-party company will pay salaries to a taxi driver, which with some probability may turn out to be fraudulent.

IP design

Individual entrepreneurship is formed if you want to become a partner of Yandex-taxi drivers in the usual way. A motorist who wants to become a private entrepreneur will need to go to the tax office, taking with him the following documents:

  • passport;

  • TIN;

  • receipt of state duty.

In tax, you will need to fill out an application and decide on OKVED. Taxi for SP goes under number 60.22. Next, you will need to choose the most appropriate taxation system. The optimal regime for taxi drivers in most cases is the patent regime, combined with the simplified tax system at a rate of 6%.

How to get a license

After completing the IP or drawing up a contract with a partner company, a driver who wants to work with the Yandex system will also have to purchase a license. Without this document, access to the service program cannot be obtained.

Engaged in the transportation of people without a license in our country is prohibited by law. The penalty for such a violation is very large - about 50 thousand rubles.

To pay for a license, most likely, you will need not a very large amount. For example, even in Moscow, the execution of such a document most often costs no more than 10 thousand rubles.

Licenses are issued to taxi drivers in Russia for 5 years. Only drivers with at least 3 years of experience can get such a document.

Documents for obtaining a license will most likely be required as follows:

  • passport;

  • Title or taxi rental agreement;

  • driver's license;

  • document confirming the registration of IP.

You will also need to write a statement. They apply for a license to the Ministry of Transport of Russia. The easiest way to do this is through the public services portal.


In order to become a Yandex Taxi partner and start taxing, after registering an enterprise, you will need to fill out an online application form on the service’s website. If all the requirements of the driver’s service are met, he will be asked, among other things, to pass an exam.

The drivers of Yandex Taxi pass exams in dispatch taxi service partners of the service. They check on it basically only the applicant’s knowledge of the main streets and roads of the city. If the exam is not passed, the driver will be able to pass it again only after 3-6 months.

If desired, the Yandex Taxi partner may refuse an exam. But its successful delivery will increase the rating in the system and priority in the formation of orders. The service exam usually lasts no more than 40-50 minutes.

Own taxi fleet

Yandex Taxi, of course, works not only with individual taxi drivers, but also with official taxi fleets. An entrepreneur who has decided to organize his own business and collaborate with the service in this way can be registered as an individual entrepreneur and as an LLC. In this case, the service partner will be able to receive additional passive income from the drivers he attracted.

Concludes Yandex Taxi agreements only with those taxi fleets in which there are at least 5 taxis that meet all the requirements of the service. In this case, the entrepreneur, among other things, will need to purchase special software from Yandex.
