
How to create your own business in Ukraine

How to create your own business in Ukraine

Video: Company registration in Ukraine. All steps. Cost. 2024, July

Video: Company registration in Ukraine. All steps. Cost. 2024, July

One of the forms of doing business in Ukraine, including for a foreigner, is the registration of an individual as an SPD (business entity; analogue of a Russian individual entrepreneur). For this, a foreigner must have a permanent or temporary residence in Ukraine.


You will need

  • - passport;

  • - a document on a permit for temporary or permanent residence in Ukraine;

  • - identification code;

  • - registration card;

  • - receipt of state duty.

Instruction manual


The process of gaining the status of a Ukrainian entrepreneur to a citizen of another state begins with solving the issue of legal long-term stay in the country. As in Russia, you can register as an entrepreneur in Ukraine only at the place of residence. And that means that the foreigner must find housing (buy or arrange with the owners about a residence permit) and contact the OVIR for registration or residence permit. This procedure itself deserves a separate description.

Then you will need to contact the tax office for an identification code (analog TIN). To do this, you need a passport, a migration card and an OVIR registration mark or residence permit.


The registration of a new business in Ukraine is not done by the tax inspectorate, but by a special unit of the local government (district executive committee). The future entrepreneur is there and must apply with a passport, a document proving temporary or permanent residence in the country (or the corresponding OVIR mark in the passport), a certificate of identification code and copies of these documents.

The department will issue a registration card, which can be filled on the spot, and provide details for paying the registration fee. You can deposit money at the nearest branch of Oschadbank of Ukraine.


If the documents are in order, registration of the SAP will take no more than three days.

Then the entrepreneur must register with the tax service, extrabudgetary funds, the local statistics agency, open an account with a bank.

Printing under Ukrainian law is optional; you can work without it. But in practice, if the type of activity chosen during registration is subject to licensing, it is impossible to obtain a license without a seal in most cases.
