Business Communication and Ethics

How to conduct business conversations

How to conduct business conversations

Video: Business English conversation | Sales meeting 2024, June

Video: Business English conversation | Sales meeting 2024, June

The general rule of conducting business conversations can be formulated as "maximum information for minimum time." A prerequisite is also a demonstration of respect for the interlocutor, even if he is little cute. Emotions and value judgments are best left to yourself, while in conversation you can calmly respond even to unpleasant moments.


You will need

  • - knowledge of courtesy and business etiquette;

  • - communication skills.

Instruction manual


The genre of business conversation should include any communication with a work interlocutor, whether it is a colleague or a representative of another organization with whom you are in one way or another in touch with your official duties, whether it is a personal meeting, telephone conversation, correspondence by e-mail or regular mail, communication via instant messaging programs, etc.

Many moments related to the solution of personal problems fall into the same category: obtaining public services, buying and selling personal property, etc.


Before starting communication, clearly think over what information you want to receive or, conversely, convey to the interlocutor. Depending on the situation (the first contact or the next, which of the parties has more obligations to the other, how your relations developed earlier, etc.), think over how you can interest the interlocutor, arrange him.

From the first of your words, if you are the initiator of the conversation, he must imagine with whom and on what issue he is dealing.

In some cases, it will not be superfluous to inquire whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to speak now. In others, if the situation is favorable, emphasize the urgency of your appeal.


Communicate clearly to the interlocutor the necessary information, if necessary, check whether he understood you correctly. In turn, listen carefully to the other side and make sure everyone understands correctly. Ask clarifying questions if necessary. It will not be superfluous for the interlocutor to ask whether he has any questions.

Ultimately, you must understand each other correctly.


If the other side is frankly wrong, it is imperative to point it out with maximum accuracy. And if you depend on her more than she depends on you, this is even more important. You should not be afraid that this will worsen your situation.

On the contrary, those who know their rights and are able to defend them within the framework of law and etiquette are respected. And if they do not like it, they try not to anger. So the sooner you show your teeth, the better.


At the end of the conversation, summarize its overall result and, if necessary, agree on further cooperation: when the result of this or that agreed action should be ready, how you will contact the other side, who, what and in what time frame should take on the subject of your conversation.

All obligations undertaken must be observed, and if it is impossible to do so, put the other side in advance about such circumstances and initiate a discussion of alternatives, proposing your own solution to the problem.
