Business management

How to sell commercial property

How to sell commercial property

Video: Best way to sell a commercial property 2024, July

Video: Best way to sell a commercial property 2024, July

For the sale of commercial real estate, you can seek help from intermediaries. But nothing prevents you from advertising your offer yourself through print media and the Internet and then accepting calls, organizing views, answering questions from potential buyers, and discussing the details of a future deal.


You will need

  • - a package of documents for the object;

  • - a computer;

  • - access to the Internet;

  • - money to pay for ads in the media and specialized resources.

Instruction manual


Even if you decide to act on your own, it will not be superfluous to consult real estate professionals, since it’s free and does not oblige you to understand the real price that it makes sense to ask for the property, and the factors that influence it. You can already understand this from the questions that the broker will ask you. Shedding light on the situation and independent monitoring of similar proposals.


Compose your ad text listing all the factors that make your option look good.

Think hard about where to place it. If your premises are optimally suited for a certain type of activity, it may make sense to pay attention, first of all, to the industry sites, which are used by the potential buyer most interested in objects of such a plan. Various regional resources, including those of a general orientation, can be effective if they include a section on real estate.


Prepare the entire package of documents confirming your right to dispose of the property for sale. Their availability and the possibility of providing upon request reduces the likelihood of unnecessary doubts from the buyer. And the readiness of documents for sale and the ability to quickly conduct a transaction always makes a favorable impression.


As you receive feedback on ads, organize your views. If possible, try to prepare the premises in the best possible way for each visit of a potential buyer. Answer all questions, including uncomfortable ones. The desire to get away from the answer will always be interpreted not in your favor. If the buyer is ready to complete the transaction, proceed to discuss its details. Make a reservation and clean the deposit amount in a separate agreement, issue it with documents, discuss further calculations.


On the appointed day, sign the contract, certify it with a notary (but, in principle, a fairly simple written form, especially if there are seals on both sides) and transfer to the buyer in exchange for money all the documents for registering the ownership of the premises.

And do not forget to pay taxes on transaction income.

how to sell commercial property in 2019
