Business Communication and Ethics

How to write a letter of guarantee

How to write a letter of guarantee

Video: Allianz A to Z - How to get a Guarantee Letter 2024, July

Video: Allianz A to Z - How to get a Guarantee Letter 2024, July

Business relationships sometimes involve the fulfillment of obligations of one of the parties on the terms of deferment of payment for work performed or sold goods. Even if you have been cooperating with a counterparty for a long time and are confident in its reliability, it must confirm the fulfillment of its obligations by a guarantee letter, which stipulates the terms and conditions of payment for services, products or goods. If this counterparty is you, then you should know how to write a letter of guarantee correctly.


Instruction manual


In fact, the letter of guarantee does not provide sufficiently reliable legal guarantees for the transaction, so your task is to evoke the trust of the partner and serve as a confirmation of your good faith. Not only the content, but also the design, it should differ from the usual note with a request to ship the goods under warranty. It must be given the appearance of a more reliable security mechanism.


Compose the document most fully. It is written on the letterhead of your organization, in which all its details are indicated: full name, legal address, faxes and telephones for communication, email address. And most importantly - bank details, the location of the bank in which your organization is serviced, and the number of the current account from which the money will be transferred.


Typically, the text of such a letter is rather short: "We ask you to ship this or that to us, or to make such and such. We guarantee payment in time before."


To convince your intentions, add a clause to the text that pre-delivery of goods will be considered as a fact of providing a commercial loan with all the ensuing consequences: the accrual of fines and penalties for each day of delay. Indicate the percentage that you assign in this case. In the event that such a phrase is not in your letter, then in case of failure to fulfill your payment obligations, only 0.036% of the amount of overdue obligations for each overdue day can be removed from you. The amount of the penalty for using other people's money is specified in Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.


Sign the letter of guarantee by the head of the enterprise or organization, as well as the chief accountant (if you are a legal entity), give a transcript of each signature. Such a letter is quite convincing and will allow your partner not to doubt the reliability of your warranty obligations.
