
How to open your club in 2017

How to open your club in 2017

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There are many clubs in Moscow - from the cheapest to the pathos. Nevertheless, the entertainment industry is developing, and almost any competently promoted club will find its visitors. However, opening it in compliance with all formalities is not an easy task.


Instruction manual


Opening a club is a rather capital-intensive idea. Consider the list of the most necessary for an average music club:

1. rental of premises.

2. technical equipment.

3. bar equipment.

4. staff.

5. advertising.

6. security service.

7. registration, obtaining licenses, expenses for lawyers (you cannot do without them when opening a club).


First of all, it is worth determining the concept of the club and the target audience. The most active visitors to clubs are youth from 17 to 30 years old. These young people listen to completely different music - from Rn'B to metal. It’s unlikely that you can open a club “for everyone”, so you should immediately choose a musical direction and work for the audience who likes this music. After that, you can think about equipment, and about the premises, advertising, and even about the menu: a jazz club needs a completely different equipment and design than a rock club.


The best place for a club is, of course, within the Garden Ring. Since there are many clubs in Moscow, few people want to go to the club far. It is advisable that it be convenient to drive up to him.


A good club always runs promotions. It can be anything: drawing tickets for a particular concert, two cocktails for the price of one, holding theme parties. It is worth using world stars as a means of attracting customers: at least two or three of their concerts a year will make the club a good advertisement. Naturally, one should not forget about advertising in magazines, on radio stations, etc.


Even the smallest club should have a security service (or should hire private security employees). This will prevent both drug dealers and ordinary thieves from getting into your club. For each club event, 10 security officers may be needed.


It is important not to forget about legal issues. Firstly, a club will need to register a legal entity - best of all LLC. In addition, it is important to obtain a license for alcohol. All this can be done independently, but such things take a lot of time, so usually external lawyers are involved. There are special companies involved in the registration of legal entities.
