
How to open a fishing store

How to open a fishing store

Fishing products are in demand insofar as fishing in Russia has been and still remains a popular way to spend free time. And so that a point of sale selling fishing tackle and fishing-related products would be a good start, it would be nice for its owner to be a lover of this activity himself. An amateur cannot succeed in satisfying customers with knowledge of the matter, which means that the store will not win a reputation among experts.


You will need

  • 1. Package of constituent and permits

  • 2. A separate or located inside another retail outlet area

  • 3. Good knowledge of fishing equipment

  • 4. Arrangement with suppliers-importers of fishing goods

  • 5. One or two experienced sales assistants

Instruction manual


Choose the format of the fishing store that you could and would like to open. The simplest solution is a department in a large sports store under a sublease agreement. A more costly option is a specialized "multi-brand" fishing store or a store that displays the goods of any one of the manufacturing companies working in this industry.


Decide which products the store’s assortment will be formed from - whether it will only be tackle and supplies (hooks, fishing line, floats, baits), or you will also sell related products (clothing and fishing equipment, thematic publications). It is known that fishing enthusiasts are gambling and enthusiastic people, so even if a fisherman comes to you for some trifle he needs, in the end he can leave a pretty round sum in the store.


Conclude an agreement with one or several importers of "fishing" goods in Russia for the supply of products for your store. The most well-known manufacturers of fishing goods are companies from Western Europe, the USA and Japan. They are represented on the Russian market by a number of suppliers who often do not have exclusive rights and are engaged in wholesale deliveries of products of several foreign companies at once. Which of them to work with will be suggested by the experience and recommendations of colleagues in the fishing industry (information can be found, for example, in specialized forums).


Entrust the customer service of your fishing goods store to a sales consultant who is not averse to spending leisure hours with a fishing rod in his hands. Serve the "tactical and technical" characteristics of fishing tackle should be based on their own experience - otherwise it will not look convincing.

Useful advice

A good assistant in the retail sale of fishing goods can be video materials that clearly demonstrate the effect that the gears presented in the assortment of the store can achieve.

Consumables for fishing allow you to make a higher (up to 100%) mark-up in retail than tackle or "related products", and are almost always bought by store customers in addition to larger acquisitions.

An article that provides an overview of the market for fishing products in Russia.
