
How to open a roadside cafe

How to open a roadside cafe

Video: Seven key components to open a BBQ restaurant 2024, July

Video: Seven key components to open a BBQ restaurant 2024, July

To open a roadside cafe, you need to find a liquid building that meets all the necessary requirements. The specificity of the format suggests that it should be near a busy highway, because a significant part of the guests in roadside cafes are spontaneous visitors.


You will need

  • - business plan;

  • - concept;

  • - premises;

  • - design project;

  • - equipment;

  • - staff;

  • - products.

Instruction manual


Design a catering concept. You should not assume that a roadside cafe is not a restaurant, so marketing laws do not work here. In order for your institution to have a good turnover of seats, it is necessary to thoroughly work out the preferences of the target group. Proceeding from this, the concept should find a reflection of the relationship between the name, interior, menu, service, etc. In other words, this document is a descriptive part of your future business, if you like - an idea.


Make a business plan. It is recommended to do this after the room is selected, but before the final decision is made. Actually, a lease should be signed when payments are already made. Without them, your cafe remains nothing more than a fantasy. The business plan must include the production, financial and marketing parts. If you need to attract borrowed funds - attach an investment plan. Only a properly designed business plan can inspire the confidence of serious investors.


Invite supervisory representatives for advice. This is especially true if before there was no catering facility at this place. Specialists of the Rospotrebnadzor and fire inspection will help determine the technical part of the preparation of the premises, perhaps they will tell the contractor. Following this path, it will then be easier to obtain permits.


Proceed to repair. Technical work should always precede the cosmetic finish, no pending "for later" incomplete work should remain. After the repair is completed, order technological equipment and furniture. At the end of this stage, get the necessary permissions to open the institution and submit documents for an alcohol license.


Find a chef and design a menu. A roadside cafe should offer mostly simple, good-quality home-made cuisine and contain tasty, but simple from the point of view of cooking technology, menu items. The financial issue is not in the last place: these dishes should not be made expensive.


Hire the rest of the staff. Preliminary hiring should be the compilation of staffing and the development of job descriptions. Do not seek to save on wages. As experience shows, it is better to set them at an average level for your city. If the wage fund is an unbearable burden on the cafe’s budget, provide for the fixed and variable parts, that is, a fixed salary and a bonus system.


Think over ways of outdoor advertising. If possible, order billboards or at least "banners". Develop cross-marketing promotions. In this case, it means a cross-exchange of potential customers with companies located in the immediate vicinity of your cafe, for example, gas stations, etc. For catering establishments of all formats without exception, effective promotion is extremely important, without it it is difficult to bring a restaurant or cafe to the breakeven zone.

roadside cafe project in 2018
