
How to open a paid toilet

How to open a paid toilet

Video: Thetford Cassette Toilet Cleaning Tips & Tricks + How To Open 2024, July

Video: Thetford Cassette Toilet Cleaning Tips & Tricks + How To Open 2024, July

A business that is based on the natural needs of a person has always been very profitable and promising. The idea of ​​paid toilets is not new, because it is a profitable and humane business. Neither defaults, nor crises threaten the toilet business, because neither global financial crises, nor Black Thursdays will be able to discourage people from wanting.


Instruction manual


First, register as an individual entrepreneur with the tax office. If you have only a few booths available, this is the most convenient form, because cash registers are not required. Reporting is as simple as possible.


Then choose a place to place the booths. Placement must be walk-through. The toilet cubicle near the cafe is not the best idea. After all, such institutions are already equipped with toilet rooms, and therefore there will be no need to use your services. But if you manage to rent a place near the summer cafe, then consider that you caught luck by the tail.


Gather all the necessary documents. To install a paid toilet, you will need an agreement with the Gorvodokanal service, permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, city planning committee and other governing bodies. But the main thing is obtaining a license for waste disposal. In general, collect a package of the following documents: certificate of conformity of the certification body for industrial products; hygienic certificate of the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance; permission from local administrative authorities; coordination with districts of sewer networks of a water utility, points of dumping of waste from mobile toilets; permission of the fire department; license for the movement of waste.


As for the costs, for starters you can have about 10 thousand dollars. Find favorable conditions for obtaining a bank loan or other sources of financing.


Buy the necessary equipment and inventory. Since the end of the last century, the installation of toilet cubicles has been practiced all over the world. With a weight of 80 kilograms, the installation can be made almost anywhere. This does not require a foundation, connection to communications or any preparatory work.
