
How to open a window installation company

How to open a window installation company

Video: How To Make Open Window For | AURA uPVC Company Chennai | 2024, July

Video: How To Make Open Window For | AURA uPVC Company Chennai | 2024, July

Windows made using modern technology are now very popular. Not requiring special care, warm, outwardly attractive, they became a hit of construction. How to open a window installation company?


Instruction manual


Decide whether you will be self-employed or contact government agencies for help. The second option is in many ways preferable, since you can subsequently receive profitable government orders. And the procedure for legal registration of the company will be greatly simplified.


Make a business plan. When compiling it, most fully disclose the following points: - the sum of the costs of opening the enterprise;

- the volume of production for the first year of work;

- the staff of employees providing the process of performance of work. Based on the data obtained, calculate the profitability of the business being opened.


Choose a system according to which you will pay taxes from three possible options: a single tax on imputed income, a simplified taxation system and a generally accepted taxation system.


Prepare the constituent documents and register as an individual entrepreneur in the tax office. Take a copy of the registration certificate and get statistics codes from the FSF. Register the seal of the enterprise in MCI. Open a bank account and notify the tax office to avoid a fine.


Find a room for the office of the company. Consider the location of the room. It is desirable that it is located in an area with developed infrastructure. Rent an office. Buy all the necessary office equipment and furniture.


Rent suitable production facilities. Along the way, get a truck to deliver windows to customers.


Purchase and install manufacturing equipment. After installation, everything should be ready for launch, therefore it is better to worry about the selection of personnel and, if necessary, its training in advance.


Post to the media advertisements for a new window installation company.
