
How to open a kindergarten

How to open a kindergarten

Video: How to Start a Preschool Business | Including Free Preschool Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Preschool Business | Including Free Preschool Business Plan Template 2024, July

It is known that today parents line up in long lines to send their children to the municipal kindergarten. Therefore, many are willing to pay for the opportunity to use the services of a preschool institution. To open a private kindergarten, you need a lot of investments and some authority in pedagogical circles, but first of all, it is necessary to solve several priorities.


You will need

  • - equipped in accordance with standards

  • - a package of documents and a state license

  • - staffed staff

  • - advertising media (media ads)

Instruction manual


Select the area and specific place of the city in which your institution will be located. It should be borne in mind that private kindergarten is most in demand where there is a problem with preschool educational institutions. Parents, of course, can bring their children from afar, but a convenient location often determines the choice of kindergarten.


Find a room suitable for your purposes and arrange a rental. Carefully study the mandatory requirements for those premises that can be used for preschool institutions. The closer the area you find to standards, the less money will be needed for repairs.


Gather the necessary package of documents and get a license giving the right to carry out activities in the field of education. In addition to the constituent and permissive documentation, it will be necessary to present the curriculum and plans of the kindergarten, as well as confirm their own pedagogical competence.


Pick up the staff, carefully checking the professional level of specialists. To staff a private kindergarten, you will need one or more educators, a child psychologist, methodologist, nurse or doctor, as well as kitchen workers. It is also worth immediately taking care of the protection of the institution, hiring security personnel or using the services of a private security company.


Organize an advertising campaign so that as many parents as possible learn about the new preschool institution. Over time, the good reputation of the institution will not allow you to spend a lot of money on advertising, but at the very beginning you can not do without information support.


When choosing staff for a kindergarten, it is worth relying primarily on the recommendations of reputable educators who will indicate specialists with a good reputation.

Useful advice

In the institution of preschool education, you can always organize useful circles and events for children and parents, and income-generating ones.

A big plus for a private kindergarten will be the organized delivery of children to the walls of the institution and back home.
