
How to organize an office

How to organize an office

Video: A Guide to Organize Your Workspace – How to Declutter 2024, July

Video: A Guide to Organize Your Workspace – How to Declutter 2024, July

The work of your entire company will depend on how you organize the office space. Sometimes it seems that it doesn’t matter at all who is sitting where and what height of the partition is between workstations. However, most often this is not so. Office as a home: every little thing matters.


Instruction manual


On the one hand, the office should be cozy for those who work in it. But do not forget that the office is still not a living room. Comfort should not exclude mobility and simplicity, because companies are not so rarely moved. Fanciful details and bulky furniture will only make it difficult for you to move.


Work in human life takes at least a third of the time. Therefore, it is important that the office maintains ideal physical conditions for work: fresh air, comfortable temperature, adequate lighting. If you rent a Class A office (i.e., the most expensive class), then, as a rule, these problems have already been solved, because in such offices there is always a good air conditioning, lighting and heating system. If your office is far from high class, you will have to bring it closer to the ideal by buying and installing an air conditioner, maintaining the temperature at + 19 + 25 C and sufficient humidity.


The way you organize the distribution of cabinets between employees, which space will be reserved for the meeting room, depends primarily on your business. However, there are a few general rules for any office.

Reception is good to place directly opposite the door. He will be, as it were, the "face" of the office for clients and job seekers. To the left or right of the reception you can organize a meeting room, so as not to lead the client or the applicant through the entire office for negotiations and not interfere with other employees. In addition, customers do not need to know how your office is organized.


In the same way, to the left or right of the reception (depending on where you have a meeting room) it is worth installing a door leading to the office room itself. It can, at your request, be divided into many small offices or remain open space (open space) with small partitions between workstations. In any case, key personnel of the company should have personal accounts, while junior and mid-level personnel can be in open space or in common offices (for example, each department of the company can sit in a separate office). As experience shows, most companies still prefer offices with separate offices for 4-7 people, rather than with a large space separated by partitions. The main problem of the second option is noise. In addition, it is not psychologically convenient for everyone to work in an open space separated by partitions; employees may lack isolation.


In the office it’s good to have a small kitchen in which there will be a cooler, a coffee maker and a microwave. Quite a few prefer to dine at the office, bringing food from home. The optimal number of bathrooms depends on the number of staff. On average, seven people should have one bathroom.
