
How to organize a kindergarten at home

How to organize a kindergarten at home

Video: Homeschool Organization | Kindergarten & Preschool Activities 2024, July

Video: Homeschool Organization | Kindergarten & Preschool Activities 2024, July

Shortage of places in preschool institutions is an urgent problem for many families. Creating private kindergartens at home is one of the available solutions to this problem. What will be required to organize such a garden?


You will need

  • - premises;

  • - equipment for children's rooms;

  • - budget to pay for the work of employees.

Instruction manual


Decide on the room. As a rule, a home kindergarten can accommodate no more than 6-10 children. You can purchase or rent a room for kindergarten. It should be a sufficiently large (3-4 rooms) apartment, preferably not higher than the second floor, in a quiet place. In addition, the premises must comply with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and fire service. Provide a safe and convenient walking area nearby.


Think about technical issues. After the repair of the premises, equip areas for sleeping and for games, kitchen, toilet, shower. You will need children's furniture, dishes, hygiene items, toys and teaching aids, household supplies. When recruiting staff, keep in mind that kindergarten requires qualified teachers, a cook, and a medical professional.


The main difficulties are associated with the registration of the garden and its licensing. Examine the legal framework as closely as possible. Well, if the support of your organization will be provided by professional lawyers. Remember that organizations providing educational services are subject to strict control by authorities.


Calculate the amount of payment for the stay of children in your institution. It will inevitably be higher than fees in municipal kindergartens. It should recoup your investments in the implementation of the work process, the costs of catering, safety, child development, staff remuneration. But the expenses of parents will be justified by an individual approach to children, the quality of development, a better selection of staff with whom the child will spend time, compared to a regular kindergarten.

Useful advice

A special plus in the organization of a home garden is the freedom to choose development methods, the lack of a framework envisaged in state institutions. The mini-garden is easy to orient on the abilities of children, the wishes of parents to raise children, certain methods, even on specialization. The head of such an institution has room for creativity, the ability to make his kindergarten unique, "author" or just a cozy and joyful place.

how to organize a private kindergarten
