
How to organize a private business

How to organize a private business

Video: Create a Business Plan for Private Practice | Tips for Psychotherapists 2024, July

Video: Create a Business Plan for Private Practice | Tips for Psychotherapists 2024, July

To organize a private business, it is necessary to choose a market segment in which there is increased demand with insufficient supply. To do this, conduct a series of marketing research. The principle that was in effect 15-20 years ago, when the "seller's market" reigned in Russia, and entrepreneurs offered not what consumers needed, but what they could, now does not work.


You will need

  • Marketing Research Results

  • Business plan

  • Marketing plan

  • Money

  • Room

  • Staff

Instruction manual


Carry out market research in the relevant market sectors. As a result of this work, answers to questions regarding empty niches, as well as niches where competition is highest, should appear. When organizing a private business, it is important not only to come first, but also to have adequate offers that can interest potential consumers. If you have such offers - the order of arrival on the market will not be of such great importance.


Make a business plan, which must be a description of the main and related products or services that you intend to offer to the market. Also include a detailed description of the portrait of the target audience - who will be your “anchor” consumer, who will be secondary. It must be accompanied by information about consumer preferences of potential buyers or customers, and also that they will be motivated to contact you.


Develop specifications if it comes to the production of any product. Make a specification for equipment and a plan of production (and utility) premises. The more complex the planned production, the sooner you should turn to professional technologists and designers for help. Even organizing a small private business, it is worth approaching it with all possible responsibility. Otherwise, then you have to redo something.


Order a marketing plan. This is a kind of instruction for the sale of goods and services, as well as the promotion of your company. To date, only highly specialized and demanded business can survive without advertising and PR. But without a sales plan, even he will not be able to become profitable. The marketing plan also includes everything related to the representation of your company on the Internet. If we are not talking about the tray trade in vegetables or other local activities, your own site will be a significant help.


Hire staff. Depending on the size of your case, you may need from two to several dozen people. It is recommended to hire a competent accountant and a good sales manager. The relationship of the company with regulatory authorities in many respects depends on the first, and the sale of manufactured products depends on the second.
