Business Communication and Ethics

How to write a letter to the supplier

How to write a letter to the supplier

Video: Letter to Vendors For Any Requirements 2024, July

Video: Letter to Vendors For Any Requirements 2024, July

Business correspondence requires delicacy, especially when it comes to letters to the supplier, because the reason for the appeal may be failure to fulfill obligations not only on his part, but also on the part of your organization.


Instruction manual


If this is your first time contacting a supplier to order products from him, use the standard application form for product delivery established by that organization. If this statement is not posted electronically on the organization’s website, write a letter in a free style.


If you order several types of products in different quantities, place an order in the form of a table with the name, article, color of the product, if necessary. Write down the obligation to pay for the ordered goods, provide the supplier with the details of your organization, based on these data, the supplier will draw up a contract. At the end of the letter, express your hopes for further mutually beneficial cooperation.


If your letter to the supplier concerns the improper fulfillment by him of obligations under the contract, untimely delivery of goods or goods of the wrong quality, grade or type, use the turnovers “By this letter we inform you …", "We inform you …". Clearly state the reason why you cannot accept the shipped goods. Refer to the contract or contract application, which indicates how many units and what kind of product the supplier should have sent you. In this case, the supplier will be easier to correct their mistake.


If your letter concerns the impossibility of paying for the goods within the time period established by the contract, notify the supplier of this in the most soft, but at the same time official form. Use the turnovers "We apologize for the delay in payment …", "Due to the circumstances, we cannot pay the bills before …".


Tell the counterparty exactly when you intend to pay the debt to him, and that this obligation will be guaranteed to be fulfilled by your organization. At the end of the letter, express the hope that this episode will not affect your long-term partnerships.
