
How to find a business partner

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How to find a business partner

Video: How to Find a GOOD Business Partner - Robert Kiyosaki 2024, July

Video: How to Find a GOOD Business Partner - Robert Kiyosaki 2024, July

Finding a good business partner is quite difficult. Many business projects end in collapse due to disagreements between partners. Nevertheless, achieving high results in a team of like-minded people is much easier than acting alone.


Priorities and Values

Each person has his own set of values, he independently sets priorities and sets out for himself the most important of them. Before you find a business partner for yourself, you need to decide what is most valuable to you, what are your top priorities? It is extremely important to find a common language with your partner. In your upcoming work, you may have many disagreements or even conflicts. Remember that most of them do not happen because one of you is wrong, but only because you attach different meanings to certain things. Look for a partner who shares your views and has common priorities with you.

common goal

An important condition for a good partnership is a common goal. You and your partner should clearly define what you are striving for when creating a common enterprise, this will help you avoid conflicts of interest. A simple desire to make a profit cannot serve a common purpose. Partners may have different ideas about profit, its size, distribution among shareholders, etc. Be sure to find out if you have a common goal with your potential partner, find out what he wants to get from a joint business. To work together blindly, without discussing joint actions, is short-sighted. Such a business will almost certainly end in failure.


Collaboration may also be affected by commitment to achieve your goals. If you are ready to work 12 hours a day, and your partner devotes only 5 to 6 hours to this joint business, a conflict situation may arise between you. You may feel that your partner is not fulfilling his obligations properly. He, of course, is not obliged to work as much as you do, but there should be mutual understanding and constant productive communication regarding your common cause.
