
How to find the selling price

How to find the selling price

Video: Find the Selling Price 2024, July

Video: Find the Selling Price 2024, July

The selling price of the goods is formed from the purchase price, overhead costs and taking into account the prices of similar goods at competing points of sale. In accordance with PBU 5/1 clause 13, the point of sale has the right to include all expenses including taxes in the selling price.


You will need

  • - market analysis;

  • - acceptance bill;

  • - domestic legal act;

  • - table of trade markups.

Instruction manual


To set the selling price, you must complete everything in accordance with the requirements of the PBU and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Accept goods by debit 41 and credit 60. Indicate the trade margin on the delivery invoice at number 42. If you set the accounting for selling prices with a wrap of overhead costs, then make the purchase and selling price on the invoice.


In your internal legal acts of the accounting policy, indicate the scheme of applied markups for overhead costs. This can be done for the entire group of goods sold or for each item separately. Attach to the legal act a table developed on the acceptance sheet for each item of goods with the indicated trade markup, or enter in it all the names of the goods accepted at the warehouse and indicate the percentage markup applicable to all goods. This method of determining selling prices is more suitable for retail outlets specializing in large-sized goods and is completely unsuitable for retail trade.


If your company is engaged in retail trade, then mark each classification of goods with your percentage trade markup. You can put any selling price on the price tags, this is not prohibited by law, but at the same time you run the risk of your goods being unclaimed due to uncompetitiveness.


In order for the trade to be successful and the company not to suffer losses, your analyst department must know all the selling prices of competitors and, taking this into account, carry out the development of trade markups that make up the selling price.


If you have a small outlet where it is impossible to maintain an analyst department, then just go to the nearest outlets with a pen and notebook and set the selling price in your store taking into account the prices of goods.
