
How to find money for business

How to find money for business

Video: How To Get Money To Start A Business 2024, July

Video: How To Get Money To Start A Business 2024, July

Of course, the most important thing for starting your own business is having your own original business idea, the payback of which is confirmed by market analysis and economic calculations. But even if you already have agreements with partners and a clear business plan, without start-up capital, you will not be able to bring your idea to life.


Instruction manual


You can try your luck and apply for financing in a special venture fund. Complicating the matter is that there are few such funds in Russia, and in order to interest the fund in its project, it will be necessary to prove its investment attractiveness. Even if you manage to do this, it will take a lot of time to conduct various kinds of approvals and audits before the first transaction is conducted.


Another option: contact the Opora Rossii Union of Entrepreneurs, through which you can get up to 70% of the amount needed to start your own business. In addition, those who have passed competitive selection have the opportunity to obtain a soft loan at the bank.


Regarding lending, you can contact the bank directly. The risk is that after the agreed time you need to return not only the amount borrowed, but also interest. However, this chance remains the most realistic, especially if you own real estate.


When you don’t feel like risking your property, consider the option of franchising. Having obtained the right to work under an already “hyped” brand, you can quickly reach its target audience, without wasting time conquering the market. In this case, there will be more chances to get a loan if you deposit at least half of the amount required for your own business.


There is another option called capital diversification. This can be done if you already have one project that is profitable, but you are not very interested. For example, if you have already opened a chain of stores or cafes, use the profit received from them for the business you want to open.


Try to find the required amount among relatives, friends and acquaintances. The advantage of this solution is the lack of interest or their minimum size. However, this is not the best option. Life examples show that you can simultaneously lose your business and lose friends.
