
How to start a service business

How to start a service business

Video: How to Start a Service Business 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Service Business 2024, July

There are many options for creating your own business in the service sector: hairdresser, service station, tailoring, shoe repair, etc. You can also start with the insulation of wooden windows. This type of small business does not require huge expenses and complex skills.


You will need

  • - A computer;

  • - the Internet;

  • - telephone;

  • - documents (IP);

  • - start-up capital;

  • - ads;

  • - newspaper;

  • - overalls;

  • - car;

  • - gloves;

  • - rags;

  • - screwdriver;

  • - insulation;

  • - hair dryer;

  • - profile.

Instruction manual


Find start-up capital to purchase equipment. In general, for the insulation or repair of wooden windows does not require a large number of tools. You will need: a self-adhesive insulation, a rubber profile, a hair dryer for drying, screwdrivers, rags, a bucket for water and gloves. Shoe covers may also be useful to you. Customers will only be grateful if you put them on at the entrance to the house.


Register with the tax authorities. You should not forget about the legal side of this case. Register as an individual entrepreneur (IP). This will save you from unnecessary trouble from the tax service.


Get a vehicle. The best option is to have your own, at least an old car, as you will have to travel a lot around the city. If not, then rent for a while with relatives / friends or rent. If you work a lot in this business field, you can subsequently buy a car for yourself.


Do a market analysis. Open the Internet and type in the name of your city in the search query. In the "Maps" section, see areas and neighborhoods that have a large number of houses with old wooden windows. In principle, you can start from where you live. Make a list of the most “problematic” buildings whose residents might be interested in your activity.


Make a price list for your services. See related ads in a newspaper or on the Internet. Find out how much other entrepreneurs are asking for their work. You can provide services at a reduced price for the first time in order to be competitive. You have the right to ask for at least 500-1000 p. for insulation and repair of one window. Focus on the cost of materials and the estimated lead time.


Start promoting your business. Post ads on the entrances of those houses that you have in the list of "problematic". You can also place several of these ads in commercial publications in your city. All these steps will help you make the first few orders and understand the principle of this business.


This type of entrepreneurship is seasonal: autumn - spring. But if you expand your assortment of services, then your market segment will increase. In addition, in the process of work you will have regular customers, which will ensure a stable profit.

Small business. Insulation of wooden windows in 2018
