Business management

How to start a business in China

How to start a business in China

Video: How to start a COMPANY in CHINA 2020 2024, July

Video: How to start a COMPANY in CHINA 2020 2024, July

At present, China is a country that is developing rapidly. And the hour is not far off when China will seize the entire economic space of the world. So why not join this developing country and start an independent business in China?


You will need

  • - international passport,

  • - visa

  • - business idea,

  • - acquaintances in China.

Instruction manual


China is a country in which there are great opportunities to start your own business a. After all, it is the world's largest supplier of raw materials and finished products to all countries of the world. That is why it is now becoming profitable to open your own business in China. However, how to do this? Let's try to figure it out. 1. Business idea. This is the very first step you need to take when starting your business in China. What would you like to do? Will your company be profitable? Undoubtedly, one of the most developed and constantly growing industries in China is trade. That is why this type of entrepreneurial activity should be emphasized. You can trade anything you like, the main thing is that you find what you like.


2. Search for business partners in China. This is a very important step when starting a business abroad. Without friends and contacts in the country, it will be very difficult for you to establish your own business. But where to look for a partner or assistant? Today, there are two ways: word of mouth or acquaintances of friends who will tell you where to go, where to get the goods and how to rent or buy an office space. The second way is the Internet. This is the best and at the same time the most dangerous way to find a foreign partner, since there is a high probability of fraud. A Chinese partner or assistant is best searched on the Chinese Internet (www.

cn). In RuNet there are also a lot of offers for cooperation. An important condition here will be the availability of a Chinese-language website by a partner company, since Internet fraud in China is regulated by law and the likelihood of fraud is halved.


3. Paperwork. In order to arrange activities in China, you will need, firstly, a passport and a multi-entry visa for a year or more. You can set up an enterprise with your Chinese friend. So you avoid problems with Chinese laws and red tape with documents. If you still decide to take out the business for yourself, then here you need to contact the Russian Consulate in China. They will help you with documents.


4. Learn Chinese, because even if your business and your assistants speak Russian, knowledge of Chinese will help you avoid unpleasant situations with the same deception. In China, translators and business development assistants quite often negotiate with suppliers about the same amount, and they tell the client (i.e. you) overpriced. It should be very careful.


5. Search for potential customers. If you still decide to trade something from China, then you should take care of your customers. Today, customers are also searched through the Internet, or through account managers. It’s best to hire a manager in Russia. So you will save on communication.
