Business management

How to use innovation in business

How to use innovation in business

Video: Business Model Innovation 2024, July

Video: Business Model Innovation 2024, July

To maintain competitiveness, a business must constantly evolve. In particular, the involvement of various innovative technologies that increase work efficiency will contribute both to improving the quality of manufactured goods and services, as well as their cost reduction.


Instruction manual


Consider what processes in your business can be improved, reorganized, made more technological. It can be directly production processes, logistics, sales, personnel management. In these areas you can apply innovative technologies.


Explore various new technologies that may be useful to your business. You can find an offer of such techniques at various professional exhibitions. For example, there you can meet manufacturers of new machines that are more suitable for your production. Also, innovative technologies, especially in the field of computer science, are developing in the so-called technoparks - special business incubators that allow scientists and engineers to organize their small high-tech business. For example, one of such technology parks exists in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok. On his website you can find a list of companies located there and the services they provide -


If you find an interesting technology for you, discuss with your supplier the possibility of introducing it into your organization. Be prepared for the fact that this will require significant costs, as the new technology may need to be finalized and changed during its use.


After embedding the new technology in the system of your enterprise or organization, set a certain control period for which the method should show its effectiveness. If possible, implement it in test mode. For example, it is better to install innovative software not on all computers of the company at once, but only on those selected for testing.


In the event that the technology is recognized as fulfilling its tasks, make it a full-fledged part of the work process. Truly new developments will give you the opportunity to get ahead of your competitors and recoup the costs made while debugging their work.
