
What is entrepreneurship?

What is entrepreneurship?

Video: What is Entrepreneurship 2024, July

Video: What is Entrepreneurship 2024, July

Entrepreneurship is a way of manifesting personal initiative, designed to consistently receive profit during the organization of your own business. The person organizing the business assumes all fears and risks that may arise in the course of the activity.


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Entrepreneurship is divided into public and private. The first involves various influences on the subjects of activity, the second is individual self-expression, conducting its activities without any state intervention.


Entrepreneurship is subject to mandatory state registration. A person who wants to organize his business is required to register with the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration. In the case of conducting activities without evidence, its actions are classified as illegal and entail appropriate penalties.


The scope of business is vast. It can be production, services or commerce. In any field of activity, the materially responsible person is an entrepreneur (IP). It is he who risks all the money invested in his business. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an individual entrepreneur is liable with all his property for all obligations.


Entrepreneurship is the search for areas for the purpose of self-realization and at the same time receive some profit. An entrepreneur must possess certain qualities of character. Of these, one can single out: purposefulness, enterprise, the ability to find profit in any situation, the ability to analyze the situation, hard work, riskiness, perseverance, the ability to convince, the ability and desire to constantly improve.


In Russia, at the moment, entrepreneurship is not yet a sufficiently developed phenomenon, due to a number of constraints that impede its full development. One of them is the lack of support from the government. An entrepreneur must invest his own savings at his own risk and risk for development, or be credited to a bank. Stable development requires support from the state, both in the economic sphere, and in the political and legal.
