
How to create a web-studio

How to create a web-studio

Video: Free Course: Beginner Web Design using HTML5, CSS3 & Visual Studio Code 2024, July

Video: Free Course: Beginner Web Design using HTML5, CSS3 & Visual Studio Code 2024, July

Competition among companies providing website creation and promotion services is growing very rapidly. This phenomenon is understandable: a corporate or personal page on the Internet is gradually becoming the norm rather than luxury. Opening your own web-studio is quite easy in terms of initial investments, however, its promotion will be difficult due to the large number of similar organizations.


You will need

  • - a computer;

  • - the Internet;

  • - start-up capital.

Instruction manual


Start by building your own team. All responsibilities in a web studio are usually clearly separated. At the initial stage, you can limit yourself to only two specialists: a programmer and a designer. Subsequently, it is advisable to expand the staff: you will need a manager who will be engaged in the search and communication with customers, as well as a specialist in the promotion and technical support of the site. Your staff does not have to be large: it is better to find specialized specialists on the basis of outsourcing.


If the possibilities of your starting capital allow, find an office. However, at first you can do without it, going to the client yourself. However, at a certain level of development, you will need your own room, which will expand the range of opportunities.


Create your own website that will most vividly demonstrate your capabilities. The corporate page should be original, interesting, but at the same time concise and technically competent. Place a portfolio of work on your site. If you haven’t had any orders yet, make some of any original pages, thanks to which a potential client can get an idea of ​​your level.


Make a brief template for a customer survey. You can download the sample on the Internet and modify it as you wish. The brief should include all the necessary information for each project - from the specifics of the company’s activities and the goals of creating the site to the wishes for design and technical content.


Make a contract for the creation of the site, as well as for its maintenance and subsequent promotion. Be sure to include in the contract a clause stating that the client is obliged to place a link to your web studio as a developer on his web page. So you can get an additional source of customer acquisition.
