
How to sell cheese

How to sell cheese

Video: How to Sell Your Cheese | Cheese Making 2024, July

Video: How to Sell Your Cheese | Cheese Making 2024, July

The cheese market today is so diverse that even a novice entrepreneur can find a niche. When organizing your own department, you should take into account a number of product features and find the best ways to sell it.


You will need

  • - showcase;

  • - cling film.

Instruction manual


Conduct a little cheese market marketing research to identify your niche. Perhaps you will find out that the planned territory lacks inexpensive home-made cheeses, or, conversely, elite varieties.


Get a glass refrigerated display case with good lighting. Make sure it is always perfectly clean. At your discretion, you can choose a showcase with an open part: so the buyer will be able to independently take the piece they like, which will positively affect the level of sales.


Properly make an assortment of your cheese department. 60-70% of all products should be the most popular varieties familiar to the buyer. Carefully control the price level of these cheeses: if a customer buys one or another type often, he probably knows its value well, so a serious difference with competitors will create a negative impression about you. Allocate the rest of the assortment for rarer varieties. When choosing them, rely on the results of your marketing research.


Pay particular attention to the layout and packaging of the product. Combine whole cheese heads with a chopped and wrapped plastic wrap on the display case. If the cheese has a filling or just a beautiful cut, be sure to turn it so that the buyer can examine all the components. Combine several methods of cutting: large pieces of 200-300 g, slices on a substrate or curly plastics, which can be served in this form to the table. Make grated cheese from various scraps, put it in plastic containers and sell at an average price.


If you sell very expensive cheese, be careful with varieties of short shelf life. Buy it in small batches and shortly before the expiration date arrange a sale.

Useful advice

Selling cheese will be more effective if you add a few related products: herbs, grapes, nuts, wine. All this can be laid out in a display case with cheeses.
