Business management

How to name a photo studio

How to name a photo studio

Video: Best Photography Business Names 2024, July

Video: Best Photography Business Names 2024, July

The name of the photo studio is one of the key elements of its future success. To choose the best option, it is enough to know a few rules and subtleties of naming. Look for a new, vibrant, expressive and yet simple name.


You will need

Dictionaries (explanatory, phraseological, synonyms, foreign languages).

Instruction manual


To correctly name a photo studio, you need to know the basics of naming and have a vivid imagination.

Examine your competitors and make a list of already occupied titles. Try to avoid these words when developing your own brand, so as not to mislead future customers. Decide for yourself whether you will use existing words or invent something new (such as Pentium). The name of the photo studio should be simultaneously new in the market, and at the same time exactly match the services provided.


Analyze your target audience and create a general portrait of the client. For example: male / female, 22-35 years old, with higher education and middle income. Depending on age and social status, it will be necessary to choose the type of studio name - more conservative or, conversely, provocative. Consider whether the use of foreign words is appropriate, whether such a name will be clear to a potential client.


Having decided on the type of name, you can proceed to the most crucial part - the selection / search for the right word. Here, in addition to your own vocabulary, it is worth resorting to various dictionaries - from the explanatory, phraseological, dictionaries of synonyms and ending with foreign ones. Watch how the name will sound in different declensions (how to get to "Photo World", you can make an order in "Photo World", "Photo World" has no competitors, etc.) Pay attention to the phonosemantics of the name (its "sound") - it should not be repulsive, irritating to the hearing. Remember that the name of the photo studio is its "calling card" of the company, which begins its path in the market.


Try not to use numbers in the name, avoid too long and unpronounceable words.

Useful advice

Look for short, resonant words that reflect the essence of the service. At the same time, strive to avoid the most obvious associations.
