
How to name a car company

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How to name a car company

Video: WHY Your Business Name SUCKS (& How To FIX It!) - Story - #RisingEmpires Ep. 1 2024, July

Video: WHY Your Business Name SUCKS (& How To FIX It!) - Story - #RisingEmpires Ep. 1 2024, July

The statement "As you call the boat, so it will float" someone takes with a mockery, and someone seriously. The name of the automobile company carries a semantic and sound load and can significantly affect the fate and prosperity of the business. There are many observations and examples of the connection between the name of the company and its success.


When choosing a name for an automotive company, it’s useful to follow the classic marketing rules:

Simplicity and positivity

The name should not be too sophisticated and difficult to remember. It is not recommended to use words that carry a destructive, deadly meaning in the name. For example: tornado, explosion, collapse.

Ideally, the name should be simple, harmonious, without a lot of information and evoke positive emotions, feelings of stability, reliability in the future client.

An interesting observation: sonorous company names are obtained from a combination of the first parts of the name of the owner, partners or members of their families.


Having come up with a name for an automobile company, it is useful to check whether such a name is already used in the automobile business. This will help to avoid possible lawsuits with the owners of the same companies. It’s better to come up with your own name and not use someone else’s. Another argument in favor of the unique name is that in the search engine a potential client will definitely find this particular company, and not another one with the same name.

No cheating

The name of the company should not mislead customers, misunderstanding, cause ambiguous associations. For example, if a company sells auto tools, then the name "Automeloch" will be perceived by customers as a trade in auto accessories, and not just tools.

The name of the company does not have to contain a detailed description of its activities, but it is recommended that there should still be a connection with the type of activity. A name abstracted from the automotive topic is likely to play a role in the outflow of some customers who simply don’t understand what the company is doing.

Age and social layer

Before you come up with a name, it is important to understand what age category and social layer potential customers of the company belong to. It is necessary to talk with customers in a language close to them. What is close to people of an older age group may be wild for young people.
