
How to accredit analytical laboratory

How to accredit analytical laboratory

Video: Lab Basics 2024, July

Video: Lab Basics 2024, July

Accreditation of the analytical laboratory is the most important indicator of the quality and reliability of its measurements, which must meet the requirements of Russian and world standards. Accreditation confirms the competence of the laboratory, increases the confidence of manufacturers, sellers and consumers in its activities, creates the conditions for official recognition of the results of its work.


You will need

  • - application for accreditation;

  • - draft regulations and passports of the laboratory;

  • - quality quide;

  • - Act and certificate of certification of the laboratory;

  • - regulatory, technical, methodological and technical documentation of the laboratory;

  • - laboratory magazines.

Instruction manual


To conduct accreditation of the analytical laboratory, draw up an application for accreditation accordingly and send it to the accreditation body. The application must be written in hard copy in duplicate. All other documents are allowed to be sent by e-mail.


Coordinate the application with the territorial bodies of the relevant state control and supervision services, as well as with state bodies that carry out scientific, methodological and organizational management of the laboratory activities.


Attach the draft regulations on the accredited laboratory, the draft passport of the accredited laboratory, quality manual, certificate and attestation certificate to the application. All documents must be prepared in strict accordance with the requirements of the law.


Wait for the time period established by law during which the accreditation body will consider the documents, form an accreditation commission and provide an official response in which it will reasonably refuse accreditation or set a date for this procedure.


Prepare in advance for submission to the commission all regulatory, technical, methodological and technical documents of the laboratory, laboratory journals for conducting and monitoring the accuracy of measurement results and other documents that the commission may need.


Ensure the work of the commission upon its arrival at the place. She will check the state of the laboratory for accreditation criteria, the compliance of the documentation with the actual state, conduct an experiment to verify the quality and accuracy of laboratory tests and their compliance with standards. At the end of the commission, an act will be drawn up for consideration by the accreditation body.


Wait for the act to be considered. The accreditation body may make a positive decision, may give time to eliminate the deficiencies identified during the verification process, or may refuse. In the case of a positive decision, you will receive an accreditation certificate, an approved position and a laboratory design in a timely manner.


Laboratory accreditation - paid service. Payment must be made immediately after consideration of the application by the accreditation body

analytical laboratory accreditation
