
What does EAC mean on products?

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What does EAC mean on products?

Video: What is EAC Certification? 2024, July

Video: What is EAC Certification? 2024, July

Often on products and goods you can find the abbreviation "EAC". She has become so familiar that many do not even notice her. Meanwhile, it is worth considering the question of what “EAC” means on goods.


EAC ("Eurasian Conformity", "Eurasian Conformity") is a single sign of goods circulation, which indicates that the products have passed and satisfy all the accepted technical regulations in the territory of the EurAsEC Customs Union. It entered into force in 2013 and was developed by Russian designer Maxim Tenths.

The sign has two types: black letters on white and background and vice versa. This is to ensure that the EAC was visible on the cover with any color palette. The whole sign has a square shape, where the height of one letter is equal to the width of all three characters. Therefore, they are made using right angles.

The size and placement of the mark is determined by the manufacturer or supplier who has acquired the right to place EAC on the product. The only requirement is that the sign must be at least 25 square meters. mm and should be easily recognizable and distinguishable from the rest of the object.
