Business Communication and Ethics

How to conduct business negotiations

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How to conduct business negotiations

Video: The Harvard Principles of Negotiation 2024, July

Video: The Harvard Principles of Negotiation 2024, July

When conducting business, it is very important to defend your position and go to the set goal without delay. How to conduct business negotiations and not make blunders?


Negotiations for a beginner are not easy. Faced with the "sharks" of the business, you can get confused and break firewood, which can lead to loss of control over the situation and the loss of leadership positions. Negotiating largely depends on what approach the opponent has chosen to discuss and how aggressive he is. Regardless of the tasks set, negotiations are divided into two types: partnership and competitive. The purpose of any negotiations is to reach a mutually beneficial result or defend your decision, which is much more complicated. The ideal option is to find a compromise solution that will suit both parties to the debate.

The difference between competitive and partnership negotiations

Troubleshooting or introducing new rules into the business will be successful if you present your opinion in a peaceful manner and with a positive attitude. It is very important not to go too far - partnership negotiations were initially sharpened for a favorable ending that suits everyone. Long-term and productive working relationships are built on compromises that are the key to success in any undertakings. But sometimes, quite peaceful debates can develop into conflict, and quite peaceful discussion of plans goes into the phase of competitive negotiations.

In this case, you will have to firmly defend your position, which often ends in aggression. In order not to be defeated, one must not retreat from predetermined positions and succumb to tricks or petty concessions. If you “flinch” and succumb to pressure, then you are likely to lose the battle. In some situations, exposure is required. Do not reveal all the cards at once. Your opponent does not need to know all the strengths of the project.
