
How to register a print edition

How to register a print edition

Video: UI Online: Overview and Registration 2024, June

Video: UI Online: Overview and Registration 2024, June

Russian law provides for the mandatory registration of any periodical printed publication with a circulation of 1000 copies. This legal procedure consists in submitting the necessary documents to the state controlling organization - the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. Specialists of Roskomnadzor will verify the accuracy of the information provided and enter information about the newspaper, magazine, almanac in the register of print media.


You will need

  • - Application for registration of print media;

  • - The original of the payment document on the payment of state duty;

  • - power of attorney for the right to submit documents to Roskomnadzor and obtain a certificate of registration of print media;

  • - a notarized copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity;

  • - a notarized copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

  • - a notice written in free form about the actual address and telephone number of the founder.

Instruction manual


Select the department of Roskomnadzor to which you submit documents. To obtain permission to publish regional, city, district newspapers and magazines, please contact the territorial administration of the region where the editorial office will be located. If your print media is intended for residents of several regions or all of Russia, then information about it must be submitted to the central office of the Federal Service in Moscow.


Specify the address of the territorial administration you need and the time of work. This can be done on the official website of Roskomnadzor or by phone published in the local directory. Talk with the specialists of the Federal Service, take the application form for registering the media, find out the size of the state duty and bank details for its transfer.


Pay the state registration fee for the print publication. You can choose cash or non-cash form of payment at the bank. Documents must be executed in the name of the founder - a legal entity or an individual. The size of the fee depends on the territory of distribution and the nature of the publication. For certain categories, the amount can be increased or decreased. Thus, owners of printed publications of advertising and erotic content will pay 5 and 10 times more, respectively, than publishers of information and analytical magazines and newspapers. The cost of registration of children’s, teenagers’s, educational and cultural-educational press, on the contrary, is reduced by 5 times.


Make an application for registration of the print publication. In it, be sure to indicate:

- Information about the founder: full name of the organization, form of ownership, bank details, legal address (for legal entities) or last name, first name, middle name, passport details, home address (for individuals);

- the name of the print publication and the address of the publisher;

- Territory and form of distribution: newspaper, magazine, newsletter, collection, almanac;

- publication topics: informational, informational-analytical, political, journalistic, cultural and educational, religious, scientific, educational, artistic, entertaining, children's, sports, musical, advertising, erotic;

- frequency of publication: weekly, monthly, several times a week, etc.;

- the maximum volume of one issue of the publication;

- sources of financing.


Prepare documents for registration. The full package includes:

- application for registration of print media;

- the original of the payment document (receipt, bank payment order, etc.) on the payment of the state fee;

- power of attorney for the right to submit documents to Roskomnadzor and obtain a certificate of registration of print media, issued to the representative of the founder;

- a notarized copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity (extract from the Unified State Register) in the case when the founder of the media is such;

- a notarized copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the case when the media is established by an individual;

- a notice written in free form about the actual address and telephone number of the founder (for contacts).


Submit documents to the management of Roskomnadzor. Within a month, your application will be considered. If the documents pass the verification process, your print media will be assigned a unique registration number. You must publish it in each issue on the output page.


Sometimes the following documents may additionally be required:

- the original layout (for print media of erotic content);

- The written consent of the copyright holders or their heirs (for print media in the name of which the names of individuals and derivatives from them are used);

- written consent of foreign copyright holders (for print media, the name of which includes the original name of the publication published in another state).

Useful advice

Roskomnadzor may refuse to register print media in several cases stipulated by the federal law on mass media. After receiving a written refusal to register, you can eliminate the violations and apply again.

  • About the media
  • print registration
